Land Rover — Hibernot


Land Rover just wanted a couple of print ads to say something like “Land Rover is perfect for wintertime”. Instead we gave them a full-blown winter campaign and a brand philosophy that stands the test of time. #Hibernot reminded folks that winter doesn't have to be all hunkering down and hibernating and gave them reasons to embrace the season.

The campaign launched with a winter film directed by Simon Ratigan and has since become Land Rover's go-to winter platform.



The film was supported by some bold outdoor executions encouraging everyone to venture outside and enjoy winter:



We created a social hub at where everyone could share their winter adventures and get ideas for more fun things to do in the colder months.


The campaign received an incredible response, with people not only engaging with the ads, but also actively participating in winter activities. Just check out these tweets from people who got in on the fun:


BBC — Winter Olympics


Nike — Various Tactical