HOMETOWN celebrated the work of 28 photographers from across the US during Black History Month. Each day, a new creator shared their unique perspective on the Black American experience, all captured in their hometowns through the lens of the iPhone.

The work was featured on @apple's Instagram, YouTube, and OOH billboards in the photographers' hometowns.


Client: Apple

Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab LA + Apple

Clients: Nick Law, Holly Butler, Arem Duplessis

ECD: Chuck Monn

Creative Directors: Paul Wysocan, Adam Alshin, Gustavo Kopit

Creatives: Iain Nevill, Scott Stevens, Manu Gregori

Account: Francois Pied, Caroline Phillips

Strategy: Sam Matthews, Abby Sisk

Production Company (YouTube Film): Smuggler

*This project was a collaboration between multiple teams at Media Arts Lab Los Angeles and Apple's MARCOM. Many people worked tirelessly for months to make it happen. If your name is not mentioned abvoe and you were part of the team, please reach out to me and I'll make sure to include it.


Apple — Macro


Apple — #ShotoniPhone